top1 row1 publications monographs


uar-studies-75 cover 75. Mariana Vilmondes (2022):
Accountability Relations in Social Housing Programs. A comparative legal analysis of Brazilian and Chilean case studies. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 529 S.
ISBN 978-3-8325-5488-0 (€ 52,50) [more info]

Institutional crises the Latin America are seldom not rooted in the lack of accountability. uman rights’ violations both increase and are increased by those institutional weaknesses. This research evidenced that vicious cycle: despite impressive social housing programs in size and goals, the lack of adequate housing particularly affects the most-poor because of weak legal and institutional structures. The comparison of legal accountability relations in the urban social housing ownership models Minha Casa, Minha Vida, from Brazil, and D.S. 49, D.S. 1, and D.S. 19, from Chile, revealed several of those inconsistencies, but also advised on concrete solutions to their accountability relations inspired by the rights-based approach. Policies fall short on the delegation of responsibilities to duty-bearers, whose weak obligations to inform, justify or respond neutralizes concrete chances of enforcing redress or grievance. Victims of discrimination and without access to the minimum existencial, the most-vulnerable remain marginalized by the system that oughts to care for them. The solution is obvious: the respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights must be used as means and goals of those or any other policies and institutional structures.
Cover UA Ruhr Studies Bd. 74  74. Christina Seeger (2021):
Trust and Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Safe and Certified Safe Vegetables in West African Cities: a comparative analysis of Tamale, Ouagadougou, Bamenda and Bamako. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 213 S.
ISBN 978-3-8325-5308-1 (€ 43,50) [more info]

Smallholder farmers cultivating in West African cities often lack access to irrigation water and may use wastewater to irrigate their fields, particularly in the dry season. Wastewater contaminates vegetables with pathogens so that local consumers are likely to be exposed to health risks. Market data on consumers' actual payments for safety improved (= pathogen reduced) vegetables are not available in West Africa as vegetables differing in safety levels are sold, due to an information deficit on the consumers' side, at a uniform market price. Certification and repeated purchase experience may reduce these information deficits.
For both market signals to be effective, trust is required. This book analyses the role of trust in explaining consumers' maximum willingness to pay (WTP) for safe and certified safe food in a Hicksian framework. This theory is tested using household data (n = 2,662) generated from contingent valuation surveys undertaken in Tamale, Ouagadougou, Bamenda and Bamako. The findings show that local consumers are willing to pay substantially higher prices (+40% to +160%) for certified safe vegetables. They further suggest that trust in farmers and traders reduces WTP and trust in certifying institutions increases WTP for certified safe vegetables. Most WTPs were found to be construct valid. They are therefore taken as trustworthy expressions of consumers' preferences for safety improved vegetables. These results stress the need to introduce vegetable certification in West African cities.
uar studies 73 cover  73. Jurek Seifert (2020):
Power and Horizontality in South-South Development Cooperation. The Case of Brazil and Mozambique - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 366 S.
ISBN 978-3-8325-5070-7 (€ 54,00) [more info]

The growing importance of new actors in the global political landscape is envisaged as a phenomenon that has led to shifts in international power relations. This is reflected in development cooperation. Countries like China, Brazil, India and South Africa have enhanced their cooperation programs and present their development cooperation as South-South Development cooperation (SSDC) which takes place between countries of the 'Global South'. Both practitioners and scholars ascribe a notion of solidarity and horizontality to South-South cooperation that allegedly distinguishes it from the relationship patterns commonly associated with North-South relations. However, power constellations between the emerging powers and most of their cooperation partners are often asymmetrical.
This book asks whether the claim that South-South cooperation is conducted in a horizontal manner holds in practice in spite of these asymmetries. It revises the concept of South-South cooperation and identifies the central characteristics that are claimed to distinguish the Southern modality from Northern cooperation. It then investigates the relationship between Brazil and Mozambique during the period 2003-2014 to shed some light on the question whether South-South cooperation is different from 'traditional' development cooperation regarding the relations between cooperation partners.
uar-studies-72 cover  72. Raffael Beier (2019):
From the City to the Desert – Analysing Shantytown Resettlement in Casablanca, Morocco, from Residents' Perspectives. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 335 S. ISBN 978-3-8325-4951-0 (€ 48,50) [more info]

In recent years, large-scale housing and resettlement projects have experienced a renaissance in many developing countries and are increasingly shaping new urban peripheries. One prominent example is Morocco's Villes Sans Bidonville (cities without shantytowns) programme that aims at eradicating all shantytowns in Morocco by resettling its population to apartment blocks at the urban peripheries. Analysing the specific resettlement project of Karyan Central, a 90-year-old shantytown in Casablanca, this book sheds light on both process and outcome of resettlement from the perspective of affected people. It draws on rich empirical data from a structure household survey (n=871), qualitative interviews with different stakeholder, document analysis, and non-participant observation gathered during four months of field research.
The author emphasises that the VSB programme, although formally part of anti-poverty and urban inclusion policies, puts primary focus on the clearance of the shantytown. Largely based on ill-informed policy assumptions, stigmatisation, rent-seeking, and opaque implementation practices, the VSB programme interpreted adequate housing in a narrow sense. By showing how social interactions, employment patterns, and access to urban functions have changed because of resettlement, the book provides sound empirical evidence that housing means more than four walls and a roof.
  1. Casper Boongaling Agaton (2019):
    A Real Options Approach to Renewable and Nuclear Energy Investments in the Philippines. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 124 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-4938-1 (€ 40,50)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada (2016):
    Oil Abundance and Economic Growth. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 174 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-4342-6 (€ 40,50)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Stefan Buchholz (2016):
    Dimensionen und Bestimmungsfaktoren der HIV/AIDS-bezogenen Stigmatisierung in der Republik Südafrika: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung unter Studenten in der Metropolregion Kapstadt. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 522 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-4302-0 (€ 60,50)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Annika Engelbert, Markus Kaltenborn, Nina-Annette Reit-Born (2016):
    Effective corruption control. Supplier remedies in public procurement in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania - A comparative analysis of mechanisms and their implementation. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 131 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-4251-1 (€ 35,00)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Caroline Breitung (2015):
    Organisational behaviour of humanitarian agencies in their interaction with armed rebel groups. A case study of humanitarian engagement with the Lord's Resistance Army. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 243 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-4142-2 (€ 40,00)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Marco Rimkus (2015):
    Welternährung, Nutztierschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit. Eine monetäre Bewertung in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 459 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-3893-4 (€ 59,00)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Tobias Thürer (2015):
    Does speculation with agricultural commodity futures cause price bubbles in the event of negative production shocks? - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 220 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-3876-7 (€ 42,00)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Carlos Gustavo Villela (2014):
    Understanding Institutionalized Collective Remittances: The Mexican Tres por Uno Program in Zacatecas. - Berlin: Logos Verl. - 386 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-3703-6 (€ 43,00)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Valentina Dillenseger (2013):
    Technologietransfer durch Migranten aus Entwicklungsländern – Berlin: Logos Verl. - 200 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-3591-9 (€ 35,50)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Abate Mekuriaw Bizuneh (2013):
    Climate Variability and Change in the Rift Valley and Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia: local knowledge, impacts and adaptation. – Berlin: Logos Verl. – 205 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-3524-7 (€ 42,50)
    [Abstract] [more info]
  1. Shafaq Hussain (2012):
    Growth Effects and the Determinants of Female Employment in Pakistan: a macro- and microeconomic analysis. – Berlin: Logos Verl. – 206 S.
    ISBN 978-3-8325-3131-7 (€ 37,00)
    [Abstract] [more info]

Institute of Development Research and Development Policy Institute of Political Science Institute for Development and Peace